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Monday, June 30, 2014

Benefits of Durood Shareef

Benefits of reciting Durood Shareef 

1. Allah Almighty recites Durood at least ten-times over; 
2. Angels invoke Blessings and Salvation for him; 
3. During the period that he recites Durood-e-Pak, the Angels continue praying for him; 
4. Durood-e-Pak balances the sins committed; 
5. It purifies one’s actions; 
6. Durood-e-Pak itself prays to Allah Almighty for the salvation of its reciter; 
7. Durood-e-Pak lifts its reciter to a higher strata of spirituality; 
8. One carat thawab (recompense)- which equals the Uhad mountain- is credited in favour of the reciter of Durood-e-Pak; 
9. The Reciter of Durood-e-Pak is granted thawab in large quantities; 
10. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, assumes all responsibilities, in this world and the hereafter, of him who makes the recitation of Durood-e-Pak his routine; 
11. The thawab of reciting Durood-e-Pak is greater than that of freeing slaves; 
12. The reciter of Durood-e-Pak is absolved from all fears; 
13. The Holy Prophet, May Allah bless him & grant him peace, will himself bear testimony to the faith of the reciter of Durood-e-Pak; 
14. Shifa’at (appeal of mercy and acquittal) from the Holy Prophet, May Allah bless him & grant him peace, becomes incumbent for the reciter of Durood-e-Pak; 
15. The reciter of Durood-e-Pak becomes entitled to the Mercy and Blessings of Allah ; 
16. He gets immunity from the Wrath of Allah ; 
17. It is branded on the forehead of the reciter of Durood-e-Pak that he is free from hypocrisy and 
18. Free from Hell; 
19. The reciter of Durood-e-Pak will be granted a place under the shade of Arsh-e-Ilahi on the Day of Judgement; 
20. The virtues of the reciter of Durood-e-Pak will weigh heavy, and bear due credit, on the Scale (Meezan); 
21. The reciter of Durood-e-Pak will be granted special consideration at the Hauz-e-Kauthar; 
22. The reciter of Durood-e-Pak will be in immunity on the Day of Thirst; 
23. He will go across the Pul-Sirat (The Bridge over Hell leading to the Paradise) quite conveniently and quickly; 
24. He will be blessed with light on the Pul-Sirat; 
25. He will see his abode in the Paradise prior to his death; 
26. The reciter of Durood-e-Pak will be granted a large number of spouses in Paradise; 
27. The blessing of Durood-e-Pak increases property and wealth; 
28. Recitation of Durood-e-Pak is an act of worship 
29. Allah Almighty holds it (the recitation of Durood-e-Pak) the dearest of all good actions; 
30. Durood-e-Pak is the adorner of gatherings; 
31. Durood-e-Pak removes adversity; 
32. The reciter of Durood-e-Pak will be the closest to the Holy Prophet, May Allah bless him & grant him peace, on the Day of Judgement; 
33. Durood-e-Pak extends its blessings to its reciter and his progeny; 
34. If recited to invoke mercy for someone, Durood-e-Pak would benefit him too; 
35. The reciter of Durood-e-Pak is blessed with the proximity of Almighty Allah and His Prophet, May Allah bless him & grant him peace. ; 
36. By reciting Durood-e-Pak one gets victory over one’s enemies; 
37. Durood-e-Pak removes the rust from its reciter’s heart; 
38. People love the reciter of Durood-e-Pak; 
39. Durood-e-Pak secures its reciter against backbiting; 
40. The optimum blessing for the reciter of Durood-e-Pak is that he is blessed with the spiritual meeting (Ziyarat) of the Holy Prophet, May Allah bless him & grant him peace,; (Al-Qaul-ul-Badi; Page:101) 
Jazb-ul-Quloob mentions the following benefits: - 
41. By reciting Durood-e-Pak once, ten sins are forgiven, ten virtues are granted, the reciter’s status is raised by ten degrees, ten Divine Favours are bestowed on him; 
42. The prayer of the reciter of Durood-e-Pak is granted; 
43. The shoulder of the reciter of Durood-e-Pak will rub with that of the Holy Prophet, May Allah bless him & grant him peace, at the gate of the Paradise (Jannah); 
44. The reciter of Durood-e-Pak will be the first to be blessed with the company of the Holy Prophet, May Allah bless him & grant him peace, ; 
45. The Holy Prophet, May Allah bless him & grant him peace, will assume responsibility for all the affairs of the reciter of Durood-e-Pak on the Day of Judgement; 
46. Recitation of Durood-e-Pak purifies the heart; 
47. Throes of death are eased upon the reciter of Durood-e-Pak; 
48. The gathering, where Durood-e-Pak is recited, is surrounded by Angels of Mercy; 
49. Recitation of Durood-e-Pak enhances one’s love for The Holy Prophet, May Allah bless him & grant him peace. 
50. The Holy Prophet, May Allah bless him & grant him peace, showers his love upon the reciter of Durood-e-Pak; 
51. On the Day of Judgement, The Holy Prophet, May Allah bless him & grant him peace, will shake hands with the reciter of Durood-e-Pak; 
52. Angels love the reciter of Durood-e-Pak and; 
53. Inscribe the Durood-e-Pak recited by him on silver leaves with gold pens; 
54. Angels present the Durood-e-Pak recited by the reciter and submit thus: “O Prophet of Allah ! Such and such person son of such and such person has sent this present of his Durood-e-Pak to be submitted in Thy Court;” 
55. If perchance the reciter of Durood-e-Pak commits some sin, the angels do not record it for three days. (Jazb-ul-Quloob; Page:253) 
Allama Mufti Muhammad Ameen, the author of Aab-e-Kauthar presents these few other benefits from the adages of holy men: 
56. Even the most despotic would bow his head before the reciter of Durood-e-Pak; 
57. His house is never assailed by forces of evil; 
58. Reciting Durood-e-Pak widens the Paradise for the reciter; 
59. Durood-e-Pak entitles its reciter to be admitted to the enclave of Almighty Allah’s friends Awliya-e-Karaam; 
60. It is the law of Nature that one who laughs in this world will weep in the life hereafter, and vice versa, he who weeps here will enjoy himself in the hereafter. He who enjoys luxuries here will find himself in trouble in the hereafter. But the reciter of Durood-e-Pak is a privileged person who enjoys his life to the utmost in this mortal world as well as in the hereafter; 
61. Durood-e-Pak is the best of the Nafli Ibadaat (Supererogation); 
62. A crown will be placed on the head of the reciter of Durood-e-Pak on the Day of Judgement; 
63. Durood-e-Pak attracts every virtue and repels every vice; 
64. Durood-e-Pak is the key to success; 
65. Durood-e-Pak is a business wherein there is no loss or slump; 
66. Durood-e-Pak is the primrose path to Heaven; 
67. Durood-e-Pak wipes out the sins the way water extinguishes the fire; 
68. Recital of Durood-e-Pak is the way to the fulfilment of ones desires; 
69. Recital of Durood-e-Pak is the hallmark of Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l Jama’at; 
70. The corpse of the reciter of Durood-e-Pak will be devoured neither by worms nor earth; 
71. Durood-e-Pak is a nectar par excellence. Suppose you manage to get nectar and drink it, you may live for a thousand years or till the Doomsday, but this worldly life, this life of worry and a trophy, deceit and torture will ultimately come to an end whereas Durood-e-Pak is the nectar that will grant you a life that has no end. The figures, to count the years and centuries, will be exhausted but that eternal life will have no end, and again, this eternal life will be a total bliss; 
72. Durood-e-Pak is the master-key (Isme-e-Azam) which fulfils all one’s requirements temporal as well as spiritual; 
73. Today man is encompassed by troubles and worries. What is the cause, and what is the cure thereof? The cause is this that we have become slaves to our desires, and we have weakened our link with that exalted Being who is Almighty Allah’s Compassion for all humanity and for all times. The remedy for this malady is that we should strengthen our link with the Beloved Prophet, May Allah bless him and grant him peace. The more will we strengthen this link, the more will we be become immune from worries and problems. We can deliver ourselves from misfortunes and worries only through total submission at the feet of Him who is the centre of the universe. It would be appropriate to elaborate this point with an example of a grindstone which revolves on an axis and crunches the grain. The grains that fall away from the axis are crushed and those that remain close to the axis are spared. The Holy Prophet, May Allah bless him and grant him peace, is the axis of the universe, whom Allah has Granted the title of “Compassion of the Worlds” In the Holy Quran. He who remains attached to his feet has no fear of the buffets of time. He will be at the mercy of the circumstances only when he will leave the axis. The only way to be immune from the miseries or misfortunes of time is to be close to the Holy feet of the Holy Prophet, May Allah bless him and grant him peace, and that is possible only through abundant recitation of Durood-e-Pak. 
Benefits of Durood Shareef

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